Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Three weeks to go before spring training starts. Im getting more excited and im about to start going up to the high school where my old high school coach coaches. This way i can start throwing bullpens and getting to where my arm is in good shape for when i show up to camp. I also am not much of a reader but am starting to take it up a little bit here lately. I found a book called The Knucklebook which is about the knuckleball and im able to read some things that may help me out. Since nobody can really coach the knuckleball except people who have thrown it a lot and have experience, this book gives me some good insight on the pitch that by statistics 2% of professional baseball players throw. There are only about 5 or 6 of us in all of professional baseball which i think is pretty cool because it is something unique. And the more i learn about the pitch the better off i am and will have the best chance for success.

Savannah's birthday is coming up next friday and she is very excited. She is having a slumber party here with her friends and I cant wait haha. Anything for my little girl though. I cant believe she is growing up so fast. She is not excited about me having to go back and play baseball but she is excited about when she gets to come visit. Many people will be missed while i am gone playing ball but i will keep all of you informed on here about what is going on.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Thank You All

Sorry guys its been forever since ive written on here. But baseball season is coming up again soon and i really want to be able to do better this season at updating people. Im really looking forward to this seaon a lot. This will be my first full season as a pitcher and ive been preparing for it and now as i start throwing more and getting on the field more im really getting that itch to start playing baseball again. I've had a lot of influences in my life and i am truly thankful for everyone that has helped me in life. Even the ones that think they didnt play a bog role, played a much bigger role than they could ever have imagined. Truth is, as most of you probably know I've had kind of a crazy life and I've been through a lot of stuff. I dont mind my past because it has made me who i am today and the biggest influence of my life will turn 7 years old in a few weeks. One of the reasons i love baseball so much is that when im on the field, nothing else matters. I have no worrys in the world, except maybe how to get out a few hitters. But for those 9 innings (sometimes more) i dont have bills to pay, i dont have to worry about what im going to eat for my next meal and i dont have to worry about my social life. I have great friends and they understand my lifestyle and I love them for that. Its hard to keep in touch with friends because im so consumed with baseball and they understand that. Now im talking to an amazing girl who understands my life and everything that comes along with it. She cares about what makes me happy and even though she doesnt consider it baggage, she accepts me with all the baggage i have. And these are the people that inspire me to succeed and push me to succeed. Because whats the point of being happy if you dont have anyone to share it with.

Sorry i got sidetracked. But when im playing baseball i feel that it is my purpose and i was destined to do this. Now i know that i have worked my ass off for this and for some reason it doesnt work out then i know i have tried my best and i would have no regrets whatsoever. But i feel that with this pitching thing ive really got a shot. A lot of people believe in me and i believe in myself. There is just something about walking out on a field with the stands full with people who have paid to see you play a game that is my national pastime. The smell of the grass and the diversity of the game. I've played more games in my life than i could possibly remember and i can tell you that i have never played the same game twice. In baseball there is something new everyday. Its a complex game that even managers in the big leagues learn something new everyday. I love it because no matter how long you play or follow this game, there is still more to be learned about it.

Sure there are things that kind of get to me about it sometime. Im far away from home and away from family. Because of this lifestyle it is hard to keep friends and girlfriends. But the ones that understand will always be there and im happy that im blessed with people who are there for me. Family is the most important and they support me 100% and that means a lot to me. Maybe this is kind of a Thank You letter that goes out to all who have ever followed me and support me. I am truly blessed to be loved by so many.